Terms of Service


These terms of service (Terms) set out the basis on which you may browse and use our website, available at https://computingpress.org/ and its subdomains and any services offered through it (collectively, the Site). Please also read our Privacy Policy, which contains important information regarding the ways in which we collect and use your personal information in connection with our business.

The Site is owned and operated by Society for Research in Computing, a company registered in Mauritius with registered number and registered address: Society for Research in Computing, Morc. Le Mahe, Beau Vallon 52204, Mauritius.

Your use of the Site will be governed by these Terms, which serve as a legal contract between us and you. By browsing or using the Site and/or any services, content or materials made available through the Site you are agreeing to be legally bound by the Terms.

You are not required to create any account to submit your articles for publication. Reviewers and editors will be provided for an account. In addition to these Terms, you acknowledge and agree that you will comply with any Author Guidelines, Editorial Workflows, Publication Ethics or other policies applicable to the journal(s) you contribute to.

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We may revise the Terms at any time by amending this page. Your use of the Site will be subject to the most recent version of the Terms available on the Site. We recommend that you read through the Terms available on the Site regularly so that you can be sure that you are aware of any changes that may apply to you.

General availability of the Site

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General conduct

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Publication of contributions - articles

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We reserve the right to refuse to publish any article or other Contribution for any reason.

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  • any research conducted for the Contribution has been conducted in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice;
  • you have adhered to the Policies in your preparation and submission of the Contribution; and
  • due care, diligence and all other requisite investigations were carried out in the preparation of the Contribution to ensure its accuracy and all statements contained in it purporting to be factual are true and correct.

Article Processing Charges

Publication of an article with us requires payment of a non-refundable article processing charge in accordance with our Article Processing Charge (APC) Policy listed for each journal in the “Journal Information” menu.

In the event an article is accepted for publication, the author originally submitting the article intended for publication (whether for himself/herself or on behalf of a group of authors or an institution) will be invoiced for the applicable APC. Payments of APCs must be made in the period stipulated on our invoice. Payments must be made in full via our proposed payments methods. Payment by any other means is permitted only in our sole discretion.

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Third-party links and resources

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Linking to ComputingPress

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You may link to any part of the Site but we reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

Data protection

Please refer to our Privacy Policy, for details of how personally identifiable information is collected and processed by us or shared with others.

Our liability

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These Terms are not intended to be for the benefit of, nor exercisable by, any person who is not a party to these Terms.

If a court deems any part of the terms set out in these Terms to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms will remain unaffected.

These Terms set out the full extent of our obligations and liabilities concerning the Site and replace any previous agreements and understandings between us and you.

We may assign our rights under this agreement and transfer our obligations under this agreement in our sole discretion by providing notice to you via the email address that you provide to us or by notifying you on our site.

These Terms, their subject matter and formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with these Terms), are governed and construed in accordance with the Mauritian law. You and we both agree that the courts of Republic of Mauritius will have exclusive jurisdiction.