Article Processing Charge

The Charge

As an Open Access title, publishing an article in this journal requires an Article Processing Charge (APC) that will be billed to the submitting author following acceptance. Apart from this Article Processing Charge there are no other fees (for example submission charges, page charges, or color charges). The Article Processing Charge for the journal is GBP £ 195 (page limit: 10 pages). This charge covers the costs of turning a manuscript into a finished article, as well as the costs of hosting, distributing and promoting an article.
Additional pages are permitted but authors will have to pay an extra charge at the rate of GBP £ 15 per page.

Article processing charges explained

We are committed to making the costs of publishing as clear as possible. The article processing charge for each journal is clearly displayed on its corresponding Article Processing Charge webpage.
When a manuscript is submitted, it passes through the many different departments at ComputingPress to ensure the quality checks, peer review, production and promotion of the article is carried out in a timely manner and to a high standard.

These departments include:

  • Editorial Screening - who perform the initial technical and ethical checks
  • Editorial Operations - who help the journal's Editors manage the review process
  • Article Production - who convert the manuscript to a professionally typeset article and well-structured XML
  • Article Proofing - who coordinate the proofing process with authors and Editors
  • Editorial Quality Assurance - who perform a final check to ensure that the manuscript and its review process adhere to the journal's guidelines and policies
  • Journal Development - who support our authors, Editors and reviewers, ensure journals are indexed as widely as possible and published articles receive the attention they deserve
  • Technology teams - who build and maintain our easy-to-use, state-of-the-art systems

The actual amount of an article processing charge varies depending on the journal in which an article is published due to the volume of submissions they receive.


We want to support all researchers to publish. To help those who are unable to meet some, or all, of the cost associated with publishing open access, we operate a transparent waiver policy.

Please click here to see ComputingPress waiver policy.